HEC Life Project Festival 2023 - LET'S THINK DIFFERENTLY! How diversity improves the workplace. (ENGLISH PROGRAM)

HEC UK House
43 Parker Street
43 Parker Street WC2B 5PS LONDON

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The HEC Life Project Festival is back in April for a 4th edition on the theme: "LET'S THINK DIFFERENTLY! How diversity improves the workplace."

On the program of this major annual HEC Alumni event on the "Future of Work": conferences, workshops, speed-coaching and networking to think about our work, get inspired, explore and experiment. 

It is impossible to accompany the upheavals and challenges of the professional world without working towards a better consideration of all our diversities. 

So how can we take action and make a concrete commitment? This is an exploration that we propose to share with you during this 2023 Festival!

> Wednesday 19th April: a live event at the new HEC UK House in London (broadcast online)

> Two online workshops 

> A 30-minute individual online speed-coaching with one of our professional coaches 

Choose your ticket:
- Live evening only at the HEC UK House (London) / April 19th 7.pm (UK)
- Festival pass including the April 19th live evening + two online workshops and one individual online speed-coaching

This event is open to all and free online for HEC students.

> Wednesday 19th April, 7.pm (London Time) : 

Thinking differently: innovation, leadership and diversity – an interactive discussion with professors Anne-Valérie Corboz and Shaheena Janjuha-Jivraj

As innovation is up front and center for most organizations, knowing how to unlock new ideas and thinking is a new area of learning for leaders and their teams. Creating innovative cultures is not a plug and play approach, however successful organizations share traits that make innovation more accessible and part of their DNA.  

In this session Prof Anne Valerie Corboz and Dr Shaheena Janjuha-Jivraj explore how to leverage on diversity to generate new ways of thinking for today’s problems. You will understand how to strengthen cultures of belonging, consciously develop a leadership approach that nurtures creativity and a learning environment for high performance.

> This discussion will be followed by a networking cocktail.  

Location: HEC UK House (hybrid) - 43 Parker Street, London WC2B 5PS (and broadcast online)

> Monday 17th April - 12.30pm-1.30pm (London Time) - ONLINE: 

Women in midlife; from surviving to thriving 

Why do we need to focus on women in midlife (surely men have at least some of the challenges listed below as do younger women)? We have never had so many women in the work place globally in leadership roles in mid to later life. And yet many of those women are feeling burned out, weighed down often by the shadow work of organisations, caring responsibilities, changing health (peri-menopause/menopause), changing relationships (eg divorce, bereavement) but are unsure or even unaware of how they can help themselves. 

If the above resonates with you, please join us for an hour’s session where we explore the importance for women in midlife of transitions, purpose, legacy and impact and what small (or large) steps you might take to start going from surviving to thriving in midlife. 

With Rebecca Hill, Founder, Wise Sherpa (HEC 2008 Coaching and Consulting for Change) and Philippa Gillström, Founder & CEO, Hugin Consulting AB. 

> Tuesday 18th April - 12.00pm-1pm (London Time) - ONLINE: 

Accidental excluder or Deliberate includer: How to bring your team to its full potential? 

In this masterclass,  Vanessa Barros, PhD, will introduce the richness of diversity and the need for inclusion to benefit from employees’ full potential. She will present how our “narrative” brain is wired to fear anything that is different and how we need to practice our “experience” brain to avoid stereotypes, judgment and biases. If we don’t deliberately include, we accidentally exclude. Importantly, Vanessa Barros will introduce simple inclusive tools to manage diversity harmoniously.

With Vanessa Barros, PhD,  writer, personal advisor, senior executive trainer and researcher.

> 18 and 19 April

Benefit from individual support during a 30-minute online speed-coaching* with one of our professional coaches. 

Included in the FESTIVAL PASS, subject to availability.
A confirmation request will be sent to you by email.


Mathilde Courtois-Bastie / mathilde.courtois@hecalumni.fr 

Marine Homo / marine.homo@hecalumni.fr 

*Videos / photos / recordings may be made during the Festival.

By registering to the Life Project Festival, the participant consents to the taking of photos/videos by HEC Alumni, which may use them, in whole or in part, free of charge, without any time limit and for the whole world in its communication documents (leaflets, invitations, etc.), its publications and website hecalumni.fr. If you do not wish to appear on the images (photos, videos), please contact the organising team.

Carrières - HEC Life Project
Diffusé sur : United Kingdom - UK, Germany, HEC We&men, DiversitéS

HEC UK House

43 Parker Street WC2B 5PS LONDON

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