HEC UK Life Project Workshop - Board Level Communication - Group and Coaching Sessions

24 participants et 6 intéressés


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Dear HEC Alumni, 

HEC UK and HEC Governance are delighted to invite you to their upcoming Life Project Workshop:

Board Level Communication - Group Workshop and Coaching Sessions 
With Joseph Bikart
Group session: Tuesday 19th October 2021 
12.30pm London / 1.30pm Paris

+ followed by optional 1:1 Coaching sessions – Oct. 19th PM 

This session is in 2 parts: a group workshop that will present the theory, tips & advice on Board Level Communications, followed by an optional 1:1 coaching session to put into practice the learnings from this session with an expert coach. 

You may choose to attend only the group session; or the 1:1 coaching. 

  • Group Workshop: Tues.19th October - 12.30pm London 
  • (optional) 1:1 Coaching sessions – Time to schedule on Tues. 19th Oct. Afternoon or Wed. 20th Oct. Morning

The usual price for this day is  €1 400. We are pleased to offer it at a very discounted price for HEC Alumni (€40 workshop + €95 coaching session)

During this two-part session, Joseph Bikart, founding partner and director of Templar Advisors, will help participants get to the point with greater authority and in a more efficient manner, thus maximising time for discussion in the Boardroom. 

This training will address key elements from preparation through to execution. Participants will come away with new skills and practices to deliver what the board needs, engaging effectively and concisely, delivering actionable decision points, and when appropriate, driving thoughtful discussion with a combination of small-group and 1:1 coaching: 


o “Rule of three” model
o Replicable – efficient
o The psychological dimension: transference and projections

Communicating for impact
Authority, credibility & gravitas under pressure

o Delivery: conversational vs. presentational style
o Brevity & concision
o Pace, eye contact & body language
o Face:face versus online meetings


o Message structures that engage seniors
o Informative vs. persuasive argument
High impact starts
Introductory structures - framing

o Introductory techniques to set & lead an agenda
o Alternative techniques to drive a strategic dialogue


1h to put into practice learnings from the session practically, and work on individual cases with Joseph Bikart & expert coaches.

About Joseph Bikart 

Joseph Bikart is a founding partner and director of Templar Advisors, a leading communication consulting firm, with offices in London, New York, Hong Kong and Sydney. For the past 20 years, following a first career in investment banking, he has advised leaders in corporate and public life on their communication and negotiations. Joseph’s clients include corporates across all sectors of the economy, as well as professional services firms, investment banks, asset managers, law firms, hedge funds and private equity firms. As Head of Templar’s Global Investor Communication division, Joseph and his team advise management teams as part of their IPO and M&A investor presentations. He is also an Executive Coach, and the author of ‘The Art of Decision Making’, which has been published in English, French, German and Chinese. Joseph holds a Masters in Management (Hon) from ESCP Business School, and is qualified as an executive coach (Senior Practitioner level) following his studies at the Tavistock and at the Institute of Psychoanalysis, both in London.


Please contact HEC Alumni Relations Manager christina.keo@hecalumni.fr for feedback or help to register to events.

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