4 participants et 5 intéressés
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Unlock the secrets to building a powerful network and take your personal and professional growth to the next level! Join us for an engaging and interactive 50-minute webinar where we’ll discuss together:

🌟 Effective networking strategies: Learn how to create and maintain meaningful connections that can open doors to new opportunities.

🌟 Maximizing your network's potential: Understand how to leverage your existing contacts to achieve your goals and aspirations.

🌟 Overcoming networking challenges: Get practical tips on how to navigate common networking obstacles and build confidence in your interactions.

This webinar is inspired by the principles from Delphine’s book, "Take the Lead," co-authored with Anne-Valerie Corboz and Shaheena Janjuha-Jivraj, which outlines how women leaders are driving success through innovation, and proposes a canvas based on ‘7 Cs’. In this session, we will delve into one of the key Cs: Connections. Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting out, this webinar is designed to provide you with actionable insights and practical tools to enhance your networking skills.

Don't miss this chance to boost your network and supercharge your success. Reserve your spot now and start navigating through your connections with confidence and ease!

📚 Learn more about "Take the Lead" and the 7 Cs here: https://amzn.eu/d/g7ECdWD

Link to HEC Paris’ article about the book:   https://www.hec.edu/en/overview/news/sailing-seven-c-s-towards-women-leadership-roles

Link to Shaheena’s Forbes article for more background:  Take The Lead - Your Canvas For Leadership (forbes.com))



Overview of “Take the Lead” The business world is in need of more powerful and insightful female leaders. Discover the strategies and inspiration you need to ‘Take the Lead’.

This book explores how we can close the prevailing gender gap before offering practical strategies on how you can Take the Lead as a business leader. Combining academic rigor with corporate expertise, this book features first-hand research and interviews with female leaders within global organizations to offer the strategies and insights that will propel you to success.

From managing conflict and building confidence to growing your network and shaping your career, Take the Lead offers the strategies and inspiration you need to boost your leadership skills and establish yourself as a successful and influential changemaker. 


Amazon link to the Book: https://amzn.eu/d/g7ECdWD


More about Delphine Mourot


Delphine Mourot (H.03) graduated from HEC Paris. She also holds a master’s in political science, a master’s in international law and taxation, and a master’s in European law. Delphine teaches ethics in finance in the masters in international finance at HEC Paris and facilitates executive education.


As a lawyer in a US law firm and then at Morgan Stanley, Delphine learned first-hand the challenges senior executives face in leading a highly competitive and fast-paced business in a global environment, managing multiple and complex stakeholder relationships, as well as dealing with sensitive issues. Delphine chaired the Morgan Stanley EMEA employees’ family network committee.

Delphine is accredited as a coach with the International Coaching Federation and obtained a postgraduate certificate with the University of Chester in 2023. She is Hogan certified (2022). She also holds certificates from Yale university on the science of well-being, introduction to psychology and managing emotions in times of uncertainty and stress (2021, 2022).  As a coach, Delphine works with international clients, C-Suite, Managing Directors and Executive Directors.


Delphine is the co-author of Take the Lead, published in February 2024, co-authored with Anne-Valerie Corboz and Shaheena Janjuha-Jivraj. 


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