"Manage your energy - not your time!" workshop - November 14

En ligne

Doing more and more with the same amount of time will only increase your level of stress and as a consequence have a negative effect on your well-being. Time is a finite resource while energy is renewable and has the potential for expansion. The key is to do things differently. 

In this workshop you will learn how to build and sustain your capacity – your energy. In fact, greater capacity makes it possible to get more done in less time at a higher level of engagement and with more sustainability


The speaker: Marie Simonsen holds an Executive Master in Marketing and Sales Management from HEC Paris where she also worked for 7 years.

Marie was heading the sales team of the schools Executive MBA program. She initiated important projects for HEC Paris in Western Africa and was also highly involved in the schools’ sales and admissions activities in Qatar. In her last position as Senior Strategic Relationship Manager with Harvard Business School Publishing, she partnered with clients in a wide range of industries and managed large-scale transformations for global companies. 

Most recently, Marie created a company where she is coaching senior professionals. In addition to coaching, she uses EMDR, tension and trauma releasing exercises and hypnosis, to help her clients cope with stress and pressure in today’s complex world. She is also very engaged in a variety of activities to mitigate climate change. 

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Carrières - HEC Life Project
Diffusé sur : United Kingdom - UK
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HEC Contributor
Réservé : Cotisant, Utilisateur connecté
20,00 €
HEC non contributor
Réservé : Utilisateur connecté
40,00 €
40,00 €
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