MBA/EMBA Networking Drinks
15 participants
et 2 intéressés
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HEC in the UK and the Emerging Leaders Track EMBA of HEC Paris are delighted to invite you to meet and greet their new EMBA cohort:
MBA/EMBA Networking Drinks
with the Emerging Leaders Track EMBA Cohort
Tuesday 8th April at 6:30pm
HEC UK House, 43 Parker Street London WC2B 5PS
30 EMBA participants, specializing in n sustainability and innovation will be in London in April. Their trip is devoted to networking, company visits, conferences and masterclasses and they are eager to meet with our MBA/EMBA Alumni in London!
Join us for an informal networking session, to share you tips and advice and connect with our new EMBA cohort!
- Date: Tuesday 8th April
- Time: 7:00pm
- Format: Networking and drinks. Food will be provided
- Address: HEC UK House 43 Parker Street WC2B 5PS
- Tickets: slots are limited - please book your ticket early
HEC UK House - Chapter