The New Gold : Semi-Conductors - Racing for Microchips from Taïwan to Japan

30 participants et 5 intéressés
DS Avocats - 6 rue Duret
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Dear members of the HEC International Development Club (CDI), of the HEC International Paris Chapter and of Generation Share, and dear friends from IPEL (Ivy Plus European Leaders) and from Dousoukaï (alumni of Japanese Universities who are in Paris, and of French Grandes Ecoles interested who are interested in Japanese matters) 

We are really delighted to invite you to a conference with Professor Yves Tiberghien (H 90) of the University of British Columbia / UBC (please refer to his résumé below), on the following subject: 

The New Gold : Semi-Conductors - 

Racing for Microchips from Taïwan to Japan 

This conference will take place on April 17th, at 7.15 p.m. 

Venue : DS Avocats, 6, Rue Duret 75116 Paris 16ème 

The subject of this conference has been well thought over with Professor Yves Tiberghien and with Professor Chung-min Tsai, a well-known Taïwanese professor (see also his resume below), and it has been decided to take advantage of their presence in Paris on April 17th to ask them to lecture us on the theme of Semi-Conductors, which is currently a very hot topic. 

As you probably all know, US Presidents Trump and Biden have both taken (as this is a bi-partisan subject) harsh measures in order to prevent China to access recent / sophisticated semi-conductors, some of which are used by the Chinese military industry.  

Also, a consequence of the increasing pressure put by China on Taïwan, Taïwan Semi-Conductors Company (TSMC, the world leader of this industry, with a market share over 50%) has decided to build very large semi-conductors factories abroad, i.e. in Phoenix Arizona (in the US), in Kumamoto in Japan and in Dresden in Germany.  

Professor Tiberghien has an extensive view of what’s currently happening in Asia, with a special knowledge about Japan, and Professor Tsai is of course on his side very knowledgeable about Taïwan and about TSMC. 

But they will therefore work as a tandem, and offer us an overall explanation about what is currently happening in Asia in the field of semi-conductors, with a special focus on Taïwan and Japan, but also covering other countries (such as South-Korea). Obviously, Taïwan’s TSMC will be at the center of their speeches, but it will be also an excellent occasion to see how Japan is catching up, thanks to TSMC’s new factories in Kumamoto, which seem to be advancing more quickly than the other factories, but also to heavy investments made there by its own champions. 


This evening will as usual include short introductions by Bernard Tézé (H 85) of DS Avocats, and by Pierre-Yves Carpentier (H 81, President of CDI), who will then give the floor to Professor Tiberghien and Professor Tsai. Their speeches will be followed by a Q&A session, and then by a cocktail. 

As usual, and since it is a hybrid conference (physically at DS Avocats and also by Zoom), you are invited to click Here  

in order to register and to pay the participation fee, which will amount to 10€ for students and for those who will join us by Zoom, and to 25€ if you physically come to DS Avocats. 

If you register and pay here in order to join us by Zoom, HEC Alumni will send you the relevant link so that you can easily join us on that evening. 


We hope a lot of you will join us for this thrilling conference! 

Bernard TEZE, H 85, former President of the HEC International Development Club (CDI) and currently a very active member of CDI’s Bureau 

Pierre-Yves CARPENTIER, H 81, President of the CDI 


Information regarding Yves Tiberghien :

Professor, Department of Political Science, UBC (on study leave, AY 2023-2024) 

Harvard Academy Scholar 

Konwakai Chair in Japanese Research, School of Public Policy/Institute of Asian Research, UBC 

Director of Center for Japanese Research, UBC 

Distinguished Fellow, Asia-Pacific Foundation of Canada 

Canadian Chair on the PAFTAD International Steering Committee 

Twitter: @Yves_Global 


Bio and Web page: 


Information regarding Professor Chung-min Tsai :

Ph.D., UC-Berkeley 2010 

Professor at the Department of Political Science at the National Chengchi University (NCCU),  

Jointly appointed professor at Taipei School of Economics and Political Science (TSE) at National Tsing Hua University (NTHU) 

Editor of Taiwanese Political Science Review.  

He served as the Secretary-General of the Taiwan Political Science Association, the deputy director of the Institute of International Relations, the department chair of political science, and the associate dean of social sciences at National Chengchi University.  

His research interests include comparative politics, political economy, Chinese political economy, and international relations in East Asia.  

His research projects focus on the issues of state regulation, industrial policies, and the geopolitical landscape in East Asia.  

He has published articles in Asian Survey, China Quarterly, Problems of Post-Communism, and edited volumes. 


Information regarding the next event with Professor Yves Tiberghien, now under preparation : 

Please also note that there will be another event with Yves Tiberghien, organized this time by Ivy Plus European Leaders (IPEL). We will inform you about it as soon as we can ! 

Ivy Plus European Leaders, a cross-disciplinary think tank that brings together alumni from leading universities and top schools in the US and Europe, is planning a Dinner-Talk on " Tech, Digital and AI Advances China versus Europe/US - What Ties Us and What Separates Us?  What are the economic and geopolitical Impacts of Rivalry in Tech?  What can we learn from our cultural differences in leadership and management, as well as innovative and competitive skills? ” 

This event will be held in partnership with HEC International Development Club, Columbia Business School Alumni Club, and Alliance, on Monday 29 April 2024, at 7:00pm, at the Maison des Polytechniciens - Hôtel de Poulpry.  


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