Luxe & Creation - Webinar Session 2 - Digital acceleration in Luxury, a unique interaction with Ian Rogers, Chief Digital Officer from LVMH Group

248 participants et 8 intéressés
9 avenue Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 4ème étage
75008 PARIS
9 avenue Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 4ème étage 75008 PARIS

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4 years of Digital acceleration in 4 months

How has this unique period drastically reshaped the luxury industry? 

Ian Rogers,

Chief Digital Officer – LVMH Group

Tuesday October 1st – 19h

Webinar online & Physical at HEC Alumni (15 places) 

This 2nd session of our webinar series will focus on the incredible digital acceleration the Luxury Industry has gone through since the beginning of the pandemic.

From emerging to accelerating new uses and expectations, this unique COVID period has already drastically changed the face of the luxury industry and the customer experience. 

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Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

“Our business changed more in 4 months than the previous 4 years”. Ian Rogers

Some brands were prepared, others were not. Some brands seized this opportunity to reinvent themselves or, at least, to test quick win solutions. But for sure, only brands with a strong omnichannel approach and placing the customer at the center of the experience will have a chance to survive.

At the time of this revolution, the Luxury market will have to make strategical choices along the value chain, from new services to personalized experiences, or even alternative distribution channels (drive to store, clic & collect, e-commerce, remote selling), and even new products … 

The digital is and will be key to address this topic, if used as a transversal tool with an omnichannel approach, and supported by dedicated human skills, & further agility. The so called / Also known as “digital transformation”. 

Ian Rogers*, CDO from LVMH Group will share with us his vision and will answer all your questions in a unique interactive format.

If you wish to know more about the key challenges that the luxury industry is facing and more precisely the strategic axes adopted by all LVMH Maisons (from Fashion & Leather Goods, to Perfume & Cosmetics, Watch & Jewellery, Hospitality, Wine & Spirits) … or  ask to Ian Rogers more specific or personalized questions … Please join this webinar.

The event will take place both at HEC Alumni (limited places: only 15 places due to specific COVID measures) and online (free webinar).

Spoken Language: English. 

Looking forward to seeing you physically or remotely, we wish you a very nice day, 

Coralie de Fontenay, President HEC Luxe et Création 

Gautier Pigasse, Member HEC Luxe et Création 

Alain Caradeuc, Animateur du Hub Luxe & Cosmétiques 

*Chief Digital Officer of LVMH Group, Ian Rogers was previously CEO of Beats Music, and Senior Director at Apple Music.

Diffusé sur : Parfum et Beauté - Perfume & Beauty Industry, Marketing & Communication, Digital


9 avenue Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 4ème étage 75008 PARIS

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