HANNOVER: HEC Alumni Meetup at the HAVN Roftop Bar

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Dear HEC-Alumni in Niedersachsen,

(and the ones who might travel to the region on that day...)


I am pleased to invite you to a long-sought-after meet-up in Hannover. I mean, the last one was at CeBIT, so really long time ago!
Let’s reconnect at HAVN, a nicely stylish rooftop bar, easy to reach by car as well as by public transportation:


NAVN Rooftop Bar
Gradestraße 22
30163 Hannover


Together, we might enjoy a diverse menu featuring fusion dishes and a selection of cool drinks. Let’s not miss this opportunity to strengthen our connections and share experiences in a vibrant setting! So it will be for sure a great networking evening catching up!

Like always to ease the organisation, be sure you register here on HECalumni.fr.

Arnaud BECUWE                                                   

President HEC Alumni Germany                       



Please feel free to forward this invitation to all newcomers HEC Alumni you may know.

To receive invitations to our events and news, just

1. Update your personal data under http://hecalumni.fr/ and join the Chapter Germany 😊

2. Join the HEC alumni Germany group at https://www.linkedin.com/groups/3344381

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HAVN Rooftop Bar

22, Gradestraße 30163 HANNOVER

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