Impact of Covid on Business Consultancy in Germany (HEC Covid Learnings Serie)

48 participants et 1 intéressé
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 Looking back on different economic sectors

We will start this « HEC Covid learning » serie February 23th with Marc Staudenmayer (H.94), founder of ADVYCE Strategy Consultants, with his views on the impact of the Covid crisis on the consulting business in Germany, and the specific challenges implied.

He will share his insights with the HEC Alumni community on :

Tuesday 23rd February, 2021

19h-20h CET

Online (Credentials to be released per E-Mail shortly before the meeting)

Learn from Marc about how to master the impact of the Covid crisis on the consulting business in Germany, the adaptation to new working methods, the learnings and the opportunities for the business.

Looking forward to hearing Marc,

President HEC Alumni Chapter Germany


About the HEC Covid Learnings Serie

2020-2021 will remain a very unique period in modern economic history. We take the chance with you to look back on different economic sectors, the way they were impacted by the pandemic in Germany / in Europe, and how they reacted.

I still look for Alumni who could share their experience in following sectors:

-        Automotive

-        Retail (offline/online)

-        Transportation

 Please drop me a short E-Mail at:


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