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Pistes pour nourrir le thème d'année. A few global Business drivers


Stratégie de l'Entreprise - Corporate strategy


Quelques pistes pour  nourrir le thème d’année 
A few business drivers (source : HBR + Diverse Business Forum).
  • Main : Digital anywhere and anytime,  shift towards Asia, industry  vs service, usage vs ownership,  new ways of management and leadership,…
  • Finance : top line growth (vente, marketing pour croissance du CA) vs bottom line (coût, processus).
  • Speed as a competitive advantage ( ref  Goncalo Pacheco de Almeda the right speed and its value) .
  • 2°C target:
    • Jeremy Rifkind : 3d industrial revolution ( communications technologies + Transportation + new sources of energy). Toward smart green and digital economy. 
    • Vision following 2015 Climate change agreement :   Energy mix , urban planning, agriculture & forest.
  • Disruptive innovation,  innovation driven growth;
  • Reinventing one self : see customer needs (sensitiveness to price ), consider new performance metrics, how to be a new entrant , regenerate you business model ( ways to generate profit), liberate  leadership (Freedom Inc.) .
  • Rules of competition: be paranoid, disrupt yourself, go to war for talent.
  • Internet of every thing ( Internet des objets) : smart connected products set new strategy about how value is created and captures. Connect , transform or Dy.
  • Create new value with data. Data analytics. Data organisation. What data must the company capture? Sell data to third parties ?
  • Block Chain: new ways to store and disseminate infos.
  • Product development: Which connected products? Augmented reality?  Data In the product/ in the cloud?
  • Manufacture: smart factory, Internally / outsource?
  • Distribution channels: disintermediate ?
  • New organizational structure : Data Org. , R& D plus IT,  Customer success management


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