HEC UK Governance & Art Clubs Good Governance, Great Impact: Joining Arts Charity Boards

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HEC UK Governance & Art Clubs

Good Governance, Great Impact: Joining Arts Charity Boards

Tuesday 21st January 2025 at 8:30am 

HEC UK House 43 Parker Street WC2B 5PS

in partnership with

RIAC:  the network for next generation arts & culture trusteesRIAC is a new charity connecting professionals who want to become trustees and non-executives with UK arts & culture organisations looking for new and more diverse talent to fill posts. RIAC is a free service matching candidates with organisations, and each new trustee is mentored by an experienced arts & culture trustee as they grow into their new role. We are delighted to welcome RIAC’s chair Anna Rowe and RIAC mentor Sir Vernon Ellis about the RIAC process and how you can get involved: 

Sir Vernon Ellis
Previously International Chairman at Accenture, Sir Vernon Ellis is a former Chair of the British Council (2010-16) and has had an extensive involvement in the arts and philanthropy. Vernon has chaired the boards of English National Opera, National Opera Studio, and the Leeds International Piano Competition, and is currently Chair of Live Music Now, Britten Pears Foundation, StopMS and New Philanthropy for Arts & Culture.
Anna Rowe is a strategic arts consultant specialising in developing resilient business plans and identifying imaginative solutions to strategic challenges. Anna was previously Chief Executive of the Academy of St Martin in the Fields, General Manager of the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment, and Executive Director of Yellow Barn Music School and Festival in the US. She is a trustee of the ABO Trust and the Carducci Music Trust and a former chair of the Alexander Whitley Dance Company. Anna began her career in corporate finance, spending six years at the investment bank UBS Warburg in London and Hong Kong.


  • Date: Tuesday 21st January 2025 
  • Time: 8:30 to 10am 
  • Format: Breakfast and panel discussion 
  • Ticket: Fee-paying Alumni £7/ Non fee-paying £12 / External £18 

1135 vues Visites
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Diffusé sur : Gouvernance - Administrateurs & Dirigeants - Corporate Governance - Directors & Officers

HEC UK House

43 Parker Street WC2B 5PS LONDON

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