HEC UK Life Project - Reverse Resume: How to Convey Who You Are, Beyond What You Do - 16 - 23 - 30 November

45 participants et 14 intéressés
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Join Rachel E Kourakos, founder of Rekognize, in a three-part workshop series designed to help you rewrite your narrative. This series will focus on creating a narrative that captures who you truly are so that you can show up to a networking event, job interview, board meeting, client pitch etc. with the words, flow and confidence to showcase yourself beyond what you do, in order to enhance connections. 

Reverse Resume: How to Convey Who You Are, Beyond What You Do 

With Rachel Kourakos 

3x90min Workshop Series

On Tuesdays 16th, 23rd & 30th November

12.30pm-2pm GMT / 1.30pm-3 pm CET  / 6pm-7.30pm IST 


This course is composed of 3 workshops of 90 minutes each, on Tuesdays lunch time. Please note these workshops are interdependent - it is necessary to attend all sessions to make the most of this life changing course.

About the session

This workshop is designed to dive into who you are rather than what you’ve done so you have the vocabulary, confidence and understanding to uniquely portray yourself to your network and potential employers. The traditional resume is helpful as it shows the amazing things you have accomplished, but it can leave the reader to draw his or her own conclusions, to create their own version of your story. It seldom dives into who you are and why that is relevant to the opportunity. In fact, people are not usually taught how to talk about their who or their why at all, especially in a professional context. 

More and more, companies are redefining their hiring process to extract this information because the reality is, if you are generally smart and capable, you can learn almost anything. Companies are looking for more than a great education and practical experience. They are looking for a multi-dimensional person who can tackle our rapidly evolving world. The goal is not to have a new one pager showing who you are (although that is a great byproduct and could give you a competitive edge) but rather to help you uncover the inner you and find the words to dynamically articulate this with confidence.  

You will walk away with:

  • A new narrative that reflects a deeper connection to your core values, drivers and experiences
  • Coaching and practice on storytelling in a captivating way while networking or interviewing 
  • The skills to express your narrative based on who you are no matter the circumstance you are in so that you can thoughtfully explain your “why”
  • Enhanced listening skills and the ability to ask the right questions
  • The ability to pivot your story to make it applicable to every situation 

About Rachel Kourakos

Rachel E. Kourakos is the founder of Rekognize, a coaching practice dedicated to transitions with a focus on helping people, leaders, entrepreneurs and groups to identify thought patterns, limiting beliefs, internal blockers, and conditioned mindsets that get in the way of achieving goals and leading authentic and fulfilling lives. She is a Certified Professional Coach and an Energy Leadership Index Master Practitioner through iPEC, a world renowned, ICF accredited coach training program. She started her career in investment banking at Morgan Stanley, and currently works at Google in a strategic and managerial role. She has a deep passion for helping people shine, and utilizes unique techniques to help individuals do that through one-to-one and group coaching, workshops and speaking engagements.


Please contact HEC Alumni Relations and Events Manager christina.keo@hecalumni.fr for feedback or help to register to events

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