Masterclass - AI in business: Are humans still in the loop? Finance, Regulation and Social Media perspectives

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Dear HEC Alumni,


HEC in the UK, the HEC in the UK Finance Club and X-UK are delighted to invite you to the next Masterclass:



Artificial Intelligence in business: Are humans still in the loop? 

Finance, Regulation and Social Media perspectives

HEC in the UK | HEC in the UK Finance Club |  X-UK 

Tuesday 29th June 6.30pm (UK) - Online


Masterclass with practitioners and academic experts about the business use of Artificial Intelligence and the place of the Human in different business fields.



Christophe Pérignon, Professor of Finance and Associate Dean for Research at HEC Paris

David Restrepo, Associate Professor of Data Law and Artificial  Intelligence at HEC Paris

Fabrice Ciais (H.00), Director of AI Solutions for PwC in the UK

El Mahdi el MHAMDI, tenure track assistant professor of data science at the Ecole polytechnique and a research scientist at Google

Delphine Mourot (H.03), Director of HEC UK Office 

Christophe Lelannou, Founder CEO of dataLearning, President of X-UK and Ambassador AX in the UK 

Ghita Ben El Khadir (H.13) , Co-president of HEC In the UK Finance Club 


About this session: 

As you may have seen last September on BFM TV, HEC Paris & Institut Polytechnique launched a brand new research center: Hi! Paris on Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence for Science, Business and Society.  We are delighted to invite you to a masterclass with practitioners and academic experts about the business use of Artificial Intelligence.  We will hear about the latest research on the topic and will understand together where the human lies – at a time where the human is developing augmented reality, where is the human’s place?  


Please join us for a very insightful evening about artificial intelligence, taking into account different perspectives and with ethics at the heart of the discussion. 

The session will start with an interview of our panellists and will be followed by open Q&A from the audience. 


About the speakers:


Christophe PERIGNON:  Christophe Pérignon is Professor of Finance and Associate Dean for Research at HEC Paris, France. He is also the co-holder of the ACPR (Banque de France) Chair in Regulation and Systemic Risk. He holds a Ph.D. in Finance from the Swiss Finance Institute and has been a Post-Doctoral Fellow at the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA). His areas of research and teaching interests are in derivatives markets, financial risk management (measurement, model validation, regulation), and AI/machine learning. Christophe published a dozen of articles in top finance journals (Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Economics, Review of Financial Studies, Journal of Business, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, and Review of Finance) or in general-science journals (Science). In 2014, he received the Europlace Award for the Best Young Researcher in Finance. As an open-science evangelist, he contributed to develop innovative tools to help fellow researchers to make their research easier to use and to reproduce: in 2012, he co-founded, an academic website allowing researchers to share the code and data associated with their scientific papers; in 2019, he launched cascad, the first Certification Agency for Scientific Code and Data.



David RESTREPO AMARILES, Associate Professor | HEC Paris

David RESTREPO: David Restrepo Amariles is Associate Professor of Data Law and Artificial Intelligence at HEC Paris. He is co-Director of research on SMART Law at the DATA IA Institute and director of the project Smart Contracts and Regulatory Technologies in the Autonomy through Cyberjustice Technologies Programme.  His teaching portfolio includes joint courses with the Stockholm School of Economics and Ecole Polytechnique. He is also recurrent Visiting Professor at SciencesPo Paris and currently visiting at the Japan National Institute of Informatics (NII)

He teaches TechLaw & AI, Current Issues in Digital Transformation, Data Governance and Compliance, and Dispute Resolution. His work analyses the transformations of law and regulation in the global and digital society with a special focus on the fields of privacy, financial law, international business transactions and corporate social responsibility. He has conducted several industrial projects with public partners such as the European Commission and the French Supreme Court, as well as with private partners such as Atos, Baker McKenzie, Dechert LLP, Natixis, among others.


Fabrice CiaisFABRICE CIAIS (H.00):   Fabrice Ciais is the Director of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Solutions for PwC UK. He was previously associate Director for Artificial Intelligence & Leader for Machine Learning in Financial Services.  He holds a Master degree in Business, Entrepreneurship/Finance (2000) from HEC Paris. Previously, he has worked with Banks, Insurers and Pharmaceutical Firms and in setting-up and leading advanced analytics practices and Centres of Excellence.

Fabrice has a proven track record of developing Advanced Analytics businesses ideation to full-scale delivery. He also leads the PwC Responsible AI effort for FS firms, working alongside Global Banks and Regulators, to design and enhance the governance and risk management of AI systems. 

El Mahdi El Mhamdi

El Mahdi el MHAMDI:  El Mahdi El Mhamdi is a tenure track assistant professor of data science at the Ecole polytechnique and a research scientist at Google. His work is motivated by the understanding of robust information processing in nature, machines and society. 

An alumni of the Ecole polytechnique (X2007), El Mahdi's PhD on robust distributed learning won a best thesis award from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL) and the algorithms he developed in it are already deployed in large scale statistical analysis and AI. He is also the co-recipient of the 2012 Google and Global Voices' breaking borders award for freedom of speech and the co-author of the forthcoming book "The Fabulous Endeavour: Robustly Beneficial Information" (1st edition already available in French at the editor, on amazon and fnac).


About the interviewers :


Delphine Mourot (H.03)  

HEC Paris, 

Director of the UK Office 


Ghita Ben El Khadir (H.13)

Co-President of the Finance Club, 

HEC in the UK  

& PE Secondary at Greenhill Cogent


Christophe Le Lannou, 

Founder CEO of dataLearning President of X-UK , Ambassadeur AX in the UK  

About HI! Paris: 

Hi! PARIS is the brand new Center on Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence for Science, Business and Society created in the framework of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris (IP Paris) and HEC Paris Alliance.  Nested in the heart of the Palaiseau campus, France’s largest scientific research hub, Hi! PARIS combines the expertise of IP Paris’ schools and HEC Paris’ Business School to create a new international AI champion in science, technology and business. It has been backed by strong funding and support from major multinational companies. On a larger scale than ever before, Hi! PARIS will conduct breakthrough and multidisciplinary research on AI and Data Science, while simultaneously developing new education programs and fostering innovation.

View launch on BFM TV


About HEC in the UK Finance Club – if you’d like to join the club, please contact Christina KEO (link to the CLUBS) 


We look forward to seeing you there! 



Please contact HEC UK Alumni Relations Manager for feedback or help to register to events.

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