
Dear HEC UK Alumni, 


As we transition from a summer filled with the exhilarating highs of the Olympics and Paralympics Games, it’s time to shift gears and focus on a new kind of excitement—returning to school!  September marks the start of another academic year, and we’re thrilled to kick things off with the traditional London Finance study trip. Next week, we’re welcoming 300 HEC finance students: we are deeply grateful to the Alumni who have graciously agreed to host these students in their companies or participate in our networking sessions. Your support not only enriches their experience but also strengthens the bonds within our network. Thank you! 


Looking ahead, we’re also gearing up for the visit of the Strategic Management students in October. This will be another chance to engage with eager learners and share your expertise and experiences.  Your involvement is what makes these programs truly impactful. If you’re interested in welcoming students into your company or participating in our networking evening, please contact us—we’d love to have you be a part of this enriching experience. 


Here’s to a successful start to the academic year and to the exciting opportunities that lie ahead!

Kind regards,

Your HEC in the UK Team 


Did you know that HEC Paris has developed four research centres seek to address the major questions of our time, to encourage the emergence of innovative solutions, and to anticipate the changes in our economy and society. If you want to learn more, please free to reach out to Laura


Hi! Paris Center

HEC Paris and Institut Polytechnique de Paris (IP Paris) have created Hi! Paris, an interdisciplinary and inter-institutional center that combines education, research and innovation. Its declared ambition is to become a world leader in these fields within five years by answering the major challenges.... 

Discover more

Innovation & Entrepreneurship Institute

Our Institute supports innovators and entrepreneurs from all walks of life! Whatever your profile is, we will help you grow with ambition, efficiency and impact! Discover more

Sustainability & Organizations Institute

The Sustainability & Organizations Institute (S&O) is an interdisciplinary institute at HEC Paris whose members study and teach about the contemporary challenges faced by organizations and how these organizations influence society. Its three pillars of research, teaching and action give rise to o the motto of our Institute: ThinkTeachAct for an inclusive and sustainable world! Read more

The ”Groupement de Recherche et d’Etudes en Gestion à HEC Paris (GREGHEC)” is a CNRS - HEC Paris joint research lab. It is located on the HEC campus in Jouy-en-Josas. GREGHEC is one of the largest joint research laboratories in the fields of economics and management in France.

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Tue 10th - Wed 11th - Thu 12th Sept - 7:00pm



The Master in International Finance and the Master in Economics and Finance of HEC Paris are delighted to invite you to meet and greet the next generation of HEC Finance students at one of the three networking events! They are eager to meet HEC Alumni working in the finance sector in London.


Register HERE

MASTERCLASS: Best Practises for Innovation and Hypergrowth 

Wednesday 11th September - 1:00pm



Don't miss out on an incredible opportunity to learn from industry giants at our upcoming Master Class organised by HEC Paris Executive Education. We’ll delve into essential topics such as partnering and creating a stellar team, crafting a compelling value proposition, funding and scaling best practices, and even exiting and pursuing new dreams


Register HERE

HEC Life Project: LinkedIn behind the scene

Friday 20th September - 11:30am



Discover LinkedIn like you have never seen it through the eyes of a headhunter! This workshop will give you all the keys to master the use of LinkedIn, the invisible part of LinkedIn, to understand how do headhunters hunt, to complete and impactful profile and to access an unlimited professional network! 


Register HERE

HEC Life Project: Ditch your "To do" List

Monday 30th September - 12pm 



We're often stuck in our to-do lists and they can feel never-ending and all consuming. Worse, they stop us from making the big changes that we so often want. We feel "too busy" to even think about it. The to-do lists keep getting in the way. Luckily, it's not a lot of time that we need, it's simply a different kind of "to do" list. Who do you need TO BE to make the changes you want? Your "to be" list is so much more powerful than your "to do" list. 


Register HERE

HEC Life Project: Navigating through your connections: the power of networking

Wednesday 9th October - 1:30pm



Unlock the secrets to building a powerful network and take your personal and professional growth to the next level! Join us for an engaging and interactive 50-minute webinar where we’ll discuss together effective networking strategies, maximizing your network's potential and overcoming networking challenges. 


Register HERE

Networking Evening with Strategic Management Students

Tuesday 15th October - 7:00pm



The Master in Strategic Management of HEC Paris is delighted to invite you to meet and greet the next generation of HEC Strategic Management students at their networking evening! They are eager to meet HEC Alumni working in this sector in London.


Register HERE

HEC UK Art Club: Ukrainian porcelain collectors: social origins, tastes, migrations and their way of collecting 

Tuesday 29th October - 6:00pm 



Join us with Liudmyla KRAVCHENKO for an online conference on ukrainian porcelain collectors: the passion for collecting art in Ukraine intensified at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries in partnership with Les Amis du Musée National de Céramique de Sèvres


Register HERE


Scaling your fintech: strategies for sustainable growth

Tuesday 24th September - 6pm - King Cross 

Join La French Tech London's fintech and sustainability event in September for an evening of insights on scaling your startup, balancing growth with profitability, mastering cash flow, and making smart moves in a competitive market.

Investing in our plate: solutions for the future of food  Tuesday 22nd October - 6:30pm - French Institute 

Did you know that the food system contributes a staggering 25% of greenhouse gas emissions, puts immense pressure on land and water resources, and significantly impacts livelihoods and health? Join us for a thought-provoking discussion on navigating this critical transition, and for a networking cocktail to continue the discussion. Register HERE


Join the Club and become an Infinity Pass member today! 

Saying YES to the Infinity Pass means saying YES to the best of all that HEC Alumni offers you. It also means that you grant the association the means to develop increasingly innovative services that match the ambitions of alumni living in France and around the world.


Behind the Scenes of the Olympics with Coline Renault (H.21) 

Under the leadership of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), the COJOP is responsible for the executive management of the competition held in Paris. A certified lawyer, Coline Renault (H.21) joined the Organizing Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games. She explains the economic and financial mechanisms involved. Read more

2024 Olympics: A Gold Rush for Paris 

Sports facilities, housing, jobs, transportation… Since Paris was designated as the host city for the 2024 Olympics, the Île-de-France Region has been pulling out all the stops to ensure this extraordinary event is a success for athletes, visitors, and the people of Île-de-France. Valérie Pécresse (H.88) provides insights into the investments made and the expected outcomes.. Read more

Understanding Sports Economy to Better Reinvent it: Interview with Prof. Luc Arrondel on Sports & Business 

Professor Luc Arrondel oversees the academic content of the elective. This researcher shares his pedagogical approach centered on the economics of football. In the second part of the podcast, we follow the first gathering of the Sports Economy Summit titled Sport Definition. HEC leaders, students, and alumni attended sessions dedicated to the school's research, teaching, and actions in this flourishing sector. Read more


In need of inspiration for a board meeting, teambuilding event or an offsite for your company? Come at the HEC UK House! We would be delighted to host you and your team for a tailor-made event in our beautiful facilities in the heart of London! 

  • Excellent location
  • Dedicated and expert team 
  • Fully equipped rooms
  • Flexible space 
  • Catering options on demand 

Whether you’re looking for a small, intimate space for a meeting, or a larger space for a conference or event, we have the perfect space for you!


A huge thank you to all our Alumni & clients for trusting us to organise and host their event!


Corporate and Academic Relations

Enriching Students Life

Help HEC Paris foster synergies with your company in talent recruitment, brand and business development and knowledge! 

Participate in enriching HEC students' life by welcoming students during their learning expeditions in London, sharing your experiences and challenges, as well as hiring or mentoring new talents!

Engage in the Alumni Community

The HEC UK House is Your House!

Join a supportive and team of 40 active volunteers that organise 100+ events each year. Gain exclusive access to the HEC network and enjoy connecting and developing new projects with us! 

Everything is possible at the HEC UK House! Whether you wish to come in the lounge in between meetings, book a meeting room, organise an event or become a corporate sponsor, get in touch with our team to discuss your next project with us! 

& follow us on social media! 



HEC in the UK

43 Parker Street, London, WC2B 5PS 

If you no longer wish to receive news from HEC in the UK, please update your preferences on your HEC Alumni account.

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