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LES PETITS-DÉJEUNERS DU MANAGEMENT ET LES MATINS HEC: "Opportunities for e-signing under the new Lebanese regulations"


Lebanon - Liban


As part of 



Organized by ESA Business School

In partnership with Société Générale de Banque in Lebanon,

We have the pleasure to invite you to the breakfast animated by:

M. Vincent Fabie

On the subject: 

"Opportunities for e-signing under the new Lebanese regulations"

After a brief review of the Lebanese regulatory context regarding electronic signatures, the presentation will offer a description of the issues and practical interests of dematerialized consent projects (example: ergonomics, project management, deadline conditions, opposability requirements, archiving ...) taking into account the experience & feedback of countries subject to similar regulations.

Thursday November 15, 2018 from 8h30 till 10h00

Salle polyvalente (Villa Rose), ESA Campus.

A graduate of ESSEC and a former lawyer at the Court of Appeal of Paris, Vincent holds a DESS in Business Law from Paris II University and a PhD in Information Technology Law (LLM / JSP) from Berkeley University, USA. He is President of the company Eclosing, publisher of the electronic signature solution eContrat and supports the regulated professions and large companies in their dematerialization projects (law firms, ENGIE, BNP, Keolis, BPCE, Axa, Bouygues, Yellow Pages) , Vinci ...). Vincent is also a magistrate at the Commercial Court of Paris in the chamber specialized in the law of new technologies.

Limited Places

Reservation required before Tuesday, November 13, 2018:

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