Our lifelong learning offers for you

Take advantage of the unique resources of the HEC Paris ecosystem to broaden your knowledge and acquire new skills throughout your career.

Working table

Keep on learning

The HEC Life Project team offers a series of tools designed to help you keep learning at every stage of your career path. This lifelong learning allows you to explore new territories, familiarize yourself with new tools and uses, move forward and grow your business with confidence.

+10 000

Courses with


HEC Executive
Education programs
Online courses

The EDFLEX platform gives you access to courses in economics, digital technology, marketing, management, sustainable development and much more!

Back to school

Say YES to the Infinity Pass and get access to HEC Paris Executive Education programs.

Climate School

A hundred micro-learning modules designed by Axa Climate's scientists to understand the ecological transition and its impact on jobs.

Le Wagon

Build your career in tech thanks to the Le Wagon x HEC Alumni partnership

L’Atelier des Chefs

Learn Cuisine or Patisserie with our 100% online CAP, in collaboration with L'Atelier des Chefs.