“Quest for Meaning” opening conference with Vineet Nayar

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Dear alumni,

HEC Alumni, HEC Paris and 9 alumni Clubs are pleased to announce a cycle of conferences in 2020 on the Quest for Meaning.

The opening conference will take place on Thursday, 6 February at Asiem (Paris 75007). 

Please note that this conference will be in English.

Meaning is omnipresent in our societies and our professional lives:

  • the individual quest for fulfillment and balance, a positive contribution to those close to us, our professional and civic activity
  • the quest for meaning at the company level, where performance must not only take financial data into account but also societal and environmental impact
  • the quest for meaning for our society, taking climatic, environmental and social challenges and risks into consideration.

The new decade will be one where meaning is placed at the fore. 

This year, we would like to invite you to collectively ask questions about the meaning, in the broad sense, of our lives as HEC graduates, students or professors. 

We hope you will add your voice and experience to this reflection to be carried out over a series of collaborative conferences and events throughout 2020.

Opening Conference “Quest for Meaning”

Thursday February 6 at 6:30 p.m.

with the exceptional participation of Vineet Nayar and Prof. Rodolphe Durand

The conference will be in English

Vineet Nayar is the author of the international bestseller "Employees First, Customer Second", which has generated great enthusiasm worldwide.

An Indian businessman, expert in information technology and business management, he was successively CEO, Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors and permanent member of the Management Committee of HCL Technologies (85,000 employees). He is also co-founder of the Sampark Foundation to improve the education system (7 million children concerned in 76,000 schools). Member of the G100, which brings together the CEOs of the most important global companies.

We will also have the pleasure of welcoming Rodolphe Durand (H.93, PhD.97), professor at HEC Paris, holder of the "Joly Family Chair in Purposeful Leadership", and founder and academic director of the Center Society & Organizations (S&O Center) launched in 2009.

The session will be opened and led by Marie Regnault, founder of Architectes de Sens and Hélène de Saint Front, co-founder of B-Harmonist, who support individuals and organizations in this quest for meaning.

The conference will be followed by a cocktail reception.

We hope many of you will join us to exchange on this subject!

This conference is organized jointly with the School, the HEC Association and 9 Alumni Clubs:

HEC au Féminin / SpiritualitieS / JDH / Trent'Setters / Gen'Fifty / Seniors / Volunteering / Consulting & Coaching / HR & Management

Released on: HEC Volunteers For Good - HEC Engagés pour le Bien Commun, Management et Ressources Humaines - Management & Human Resources, Generation Start, Generation Share, Generation BOOST, Generation Change, H...


6, Rue Albert de Lapparent 75007 PARIS

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