CCI Paris Ile-de-France
27, Avenue de Friedland
75008 PARIS 27, Avenue de Friedland 75008 PARIS
75008 PARIS 27, Avenue de Friedland 75008 PARIS
See map
Visible link for participants
The registration deadline has expired.
Make sure it’s in your diary!
HEC Alumni is pleased to invite you to its Annual General Meeting, followed by a Summer Party, to celebrate the year 2023's achievements.
This will take place on :
Monday 17 June, 2024
at 7.00 PM (CET)
at the
Paris Ile-de-France Chamber of Commerce & Industry
27 avenue de Friedland
75008 PARIS
Register now!
The agenda and voting information will be communicated to you at the end of May.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Yours sincerely,
The HEC Alumni team
Please note that only members who are up to date with their membership fees (lifelong or annual) can vote.
HEC Alumni