HEC Life Project Festival - Let's think differently! How diversity improves the workplace.

82 attendees and 9 interested
Morning Laffitte
34, Rue Laffitte
75009 PARIS
34, Rue Laffitte 75009 PARIS

See map

Visible link for participants
The registration deadline has expired.

The HEC Life Project Festival is back in April for a 4th edition on the theme: "LET'S THINK DIFFERENTLY! How diversity improves the workplace."

On the program of this major annual HEC Alumni event on the "Future of Work": conferences, workshops, speed-coaching and networking to think about our work, get inspired, explore and experiment. 

It is impossible to accompany the upheavals and challenges of the professional world without working towards a better consideration of all our diversities. 

So how can we take action and make a concrete commitment? This is an exploration that we propose to share with you during this 2023 Festival!

What’s on the program?

[🇫🇷] 👉 Mardi 11 avril : participez à notre soirée d’inspiration et de cocktail/networking chez Morning Laffitte (retransmise en ligne)
🎤 Avec Charles Pépin (H.97), Saïd Hammouche, Marcelle Laliberté, Dr., Nathalie Malige, Claudia Montero, Elie Sic-Sic, Clement Alteresco, Armand Centauri, Daphné Segretain

🇫🇷/🇬🇧]👉 Du 13 au mercredi 19 avril : ateliers 100% en ligne / 17 & 18 April : online workshops
🎤 Avec Violaine Amigues Faure, Romaric Chabert, Meyfret Sandrine, Isabelle du Cluzeau, Anne-Laure Pot Apec - Association Pour l'Emploi des Cadres , Vanessa Barros, PhD (she, her, hers), Rebecca Hill

[🇫🇷/🇬🇧] 👉 18-19 April : Online speed coaching / Faites-vous accompagner par l’un de nos coachs

[🇬🇧] 👉 Wednesday 19th April : Closing evening at the HEC in the UK House in London - Thinking differently: innovation, leadership and diversity – an interactive discussion.
🎤 With professors Anne-Valérie Corboz and Shaheena Janjuha-Jivraj.

This event is open to all. 


English program only

Full program:

HEC members: Opening night pass online 20€ and in person 40€ / Festival pass 50€ /70€.
Non HEC and non contributor: Opening night pass online 40€ and in person 80€ / Festival Pass 100€ /140€
HEC students: free

Nous aurons le plaisir d'ouvrir le Festival avec une soirée de talks inspirants et de rencontres chez notre partenaire MORNING Laffitte*, retransmise en ligne pour les non-parisiens. 

> 18h00 : Accueil des participants

> 18h30 - 20h30 : Conférences & talks (présentiel avec une retransmission live en ligne)

- Keynote du philosophe Charles Pépin (H.97)

- Table ronde "Richesses et défis du leadership inclusif"
Des regards croisés d’acteurs engagés dans la transition vers de nouveaux modèles d’entreprises inclusives et le développement d’un leadership partagé qui permettent d’intégrer tous les talents. 

Avec : 

Saïd Hammouche, Président fondateur de la Fondation Mozaïk
Marcelle Laliberté, Chief Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Officer d'HEC Paris
Nathalie Malige, CEO de Neurovalue
Claudia Montero (H.97), Directrice Générale d'Eurogroup Consulting

- Témoignages
Des parcours et des partages qui nous inspirent et racontent la diversité. 

"5 idées (auxquelles vous n’auriez pas forcement pensé) pour faire avancer la diversité" par Elie Sic-Sic (H.03), Président du Club HEC DiversitéS

"Oser s'affranchir des plafonds de verre" par Armand Centauri (H.22)

« Imaginer un rythme de travail qui convienne à tous » par Clément Alteresco, Fondateur et CEO de Morning 

> 20h45 - 22h : Cocktail et Networking (en présentiel)

*MORNING Laffitte, 34 rue Laffitte, 75009 Paris. 
Nombre de place limité. 

> Jeudi 13 avril - 13h-14h // Leadership inclusif : comment agir concrètement ? (FR - En ligne)

Avec Sandrine Meyfret (EMBA.05) Fondatrice Alomey Conseil et Executive Coach et Isabelle du Cluzeau, Executive Coach, Senior Consultant, Trainer 

> Vendredi 14 avril - 12h-13h30 // 45 ans et + : comment retrouver des opportunités à hauteur de ses ambitions ?  (FR - En ligne)

Avec Anne-Laure Pot, Consultante en développement professionnel à l'APEC 

> Lundi 17 avril - 12h-13h // Recherche d'emploi : sortir des standards (FR - En ligne)*

Avec Violaine Amigues (H.91), co-fondatrice et directrice associée de KINT et Romaric Chabert (EMBA.05), Coaching et Outplacement de dirigeants

> Lundi 17 avril - 13h30-14h30 (Paris Time) // Women in midlife; from surviving to thriving (ENG - En ligne)

With Rebecca Hill, Founder, Wise Sherpa (HEC 2008 Coaching and Consulting for Change)

> Mardi 18 avril - 13h-14h (Paris Time) // Accidental excluder or Deliberate includer: How to bring your team to its full potential? (ENG - En ligne) 

With Vanessa Barros, PhD, writer, personal advisor, senior executive trainer and researcher

Benefit from individual support during a 30-minute online speed-coaching* with one of our professional coaches. 

Included in the FESTIVAL PASS, subject to availability.
A confirmation request will be sent to you by email.

> Tuesday April 18th from 6pm to 7.45pm (Paris Time)
> Wednesday April 19th from 12pm to 2.15pm (Paris Time)


> 7-8.30pm (London Time) : Thinking differently: innovation, leadership and diversity – an interactive discussion with professors Anne-Valérie Corboz and Shaheena Janjuha-Jivraj

As innovation is up front and center for most organizations, knowing how to unlock new ideas and thinking is a new area of learning for leaders and their teams. Creating innovative cultures is not a plug and play approach, however successful organizations share traits that make innovation more accessible and part of their DNA.  

In this session Prof Anne Valerie Corboz and Dr Shaheena Janjuha-Jivraj explore how to leverage on diversity to generate new ways of thinking for today’s problems. You will understand how to strengthen cultures of belonging, consciously develop a leadership approach that nurtures creativity and a learning environment for high performance.

> Cocktail

Location: HEC UK House - 43 Parker Street, London WC2B 5PS and ONLINE



Géraldine Pauty / geraldine.pauty@hecalumni.fr

Mathilde Courtois-Bastie / mathilde.courtois@hecalumni.fr 

Marine Homo / marine.homo@hecalumni.fr 

*Videos / photos / recordings may be made during the Festival.

By registering to the Life Project Festival, the participant consents to the taking of photos/videos by HEC Alumni, which may use them, in whole or in part, free of charge, without any time limit and for the whole world in its communication documents (leaflets, invitations, etc.), its publications and website hecalumni.fr. If you do not wish to appear on the images (photos, videos), please contact the organising team.

Carreers - HEC Life Project
Released on: HEC Volunteers For Good - HEC Engagés pour le Bien Commun, HEC We&men, Generation Start, Generation Share, Generation BOOST, Generation Change, DiversitéS

Morning Laffitte

34, Rue Laffitte 75009 PARIS

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