LIFE PROJECT FESTIVAL 2021 "The future of work belongs to optimists"

243 attendees and 47 interested
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« The future of work belongs to optimists »
100% digital event
April 6-7, 2021 


HEC Life Project  is pleased to launch the second edition of the HEC LIFE PROJECT FESTIVAL, placed under the sign of optimism. A 100% online event over two days to get inspired, explore the future of work and its mutations, and exchange with the actors of these transformations. 

We are convinced that it is urgent to cultivate optimism in order to take up the complex and exciting challenges that shake companies as well as our professional and personal lives, and require a profound paradigm shift. Quest for meaning, responsible business and leadership, social and environmental impact, neurosciences, positive psychology, switch, flexibility, solidarity, life-long learning, there are many ways to grasp the multiple facets of optimism and its impact on work.

Talks and conferences will allow you to learn and be inspired thanks to our witnesses and experts, our workshops to discover in practice innovative approaches and concrete advice to feed your professional project and finally you will be able to benefit from a speed coaching with one of our Coaches to accompany you on an individual goal*. A networking time will also be proposed at the closing of the Festival to allow you to exchange with the participants and the HEC Alumni and Life Project teams.

* Only for Alumni and within the limit of available slots

** This event is FREE for HEC students



6.15pm-7.30pm CET // TALK

"Le futur du travail est déjà là ! Etes-vous prêt ?"

Avec le Pr Ilona Boniwell, Professeure en Psychologie et l’une des professionnels les plus renommés en Psychologie Positive. 

L’avenir du monde professionnel est déjà fortement impacté par le printemps de l’IA, la multiplicité de nos identités digitales, l'apparition d’une hybridité profonde et les emplois en voie de disparition - tout cela constitue des changements exponentiels. De quelles ressources disposons-nous pour faire face à cette "nouvelle normalité" ? Et la prochaine "nouvelle normalité" ?

Participez à la conversation sur le capital psychologique qui nous permet de survivre et de nous épanouir dans un monde qui n'est pas près de ralentir.

7.30pm- 8.30pm CET // TABLE RONDE en partenariat avec Philonomist
"Est-il bien raisonnable dêtre optimiste ?"

Animée par Apolline Guillot (H.21), Journaliste et Philosophe chez Philonomist

Avec Elisabeth Laville (H.88), Fondatrice d'UTOPIES, Alexandre Cadain (H.15), Co-fondateur ANIMA et WORLD GAME et Fabrice Gerschel (H.91), Fondateur et Editeur de Philosophie Magazine

"True Optimism : Letting go of the Happiness Fantasy" 

With Benjamin Depraz-Brenninkmeijer (H.13), Director of Business Development and Head of the Coaching Division.

Being optimistic participates in a paradigm that ultimately places happiness as the ultimate goal or desired state. It's the glass half-full attitude, hoping that in the end success or good times will prevail. Although there are undeniable benefits to optimism, it often leads us to fantasize about the state of affairs and how life should be. This fantasy then becomes the very source of our disappointments, hurt and suffering. Ignoring the negative and focusing solely on the positive is, in the end, living only a half-life.
 This workshop will explore how you can create a more aware outlook on events and how you can let go of this lopsided happiness fantasy, in order to breed real presence, grounding and trust in your life. Through a rigorous method, you will develop the self-awareness necessary to increase peace of mind, equanimity and balance. You will learn how to not only face challenges but embrace them fully, and why doing so is the path of true optimism.



"Positive mind @ Work"   
With Arnaud Complainville (MBA.05) and Veronica Brejan, Managing partners at Neuromindfulness Institut

"Our brain evolved to keep us safe, not to make us happy”. For evolutionary reasons, we tend to pay much more attention to negative events and emotions than to positive ones, which are actually on average more numerous. This has a big impact on our lives and on our work. When we focus too much on negatives, our brains tend to move into a defensive mode, which is detrimental to our individual cognitive performance, to our ability to connect with colleagues and build trust within teams.

In this session, we will explore:

- The neural basis of negativity bias and how to offset it
- What are our main buttons of emotions that we can push either positively or negatively
- The effects of these buttons on our cognitive performance and our ability to connect with and trust other people. 

9am-10am CET // ATELIER  
"HEC SWITCH STORIES : comment réinventer sa vie professionnelle"
Animé par Jennifer Moukouma, CMO de Switch Collective, avec les témoignages d'Aurore Abécassis (H.14), Fondatrice Agence FOMO et Claire Durand-Gasselin (H.13), Co-fondatrice chez La Ferme de Peuton

10am-11am CET // ATELIER 
"JOB SEARCH : L'optimisme, pierre d'angle de la recherche d'emploi"
Avec Violaine Amigues (H.91), Co-fondatrice et Directrice associée de Kint et Romaric Chabert (EMBA.05), Coaching & outplacement de dirigeants

En ces temps troublés, l’optimisme est devenu un sport de combat. C’est une source d’énergie primordiale quand on recherche un emploi, mais aussi l’une des compétences phares valorisées aujourd’hui par les recruteurs. 

Deux experts en RH et accompagnement de dirigeants vous apporteront leur vision actualisée du marché du recrutement et des outils pour cultiver votre optimisme conquérant !


Noon-1.30pm CET // ATELIER  
"Appreciative Inquiry : s’appuyer sur ses réussites pour construire son futur"
Avec Jean Pagès, Coach, conférencier, auteur et fondateur de l'IFAI

L’«Appreciative Inquiry » ou « exploration appréciative » propose de rechercher, dans des conversations,  les forces de vie qui permettent de générer des changements positifs sur des sujets choisis. Dans cet atelier interactif, vous pourrez découvrir quelques fondamentaux de cette approche, vivre le questionnement appréciatif, sentir et partager l’énergie qui s’en dégage.

Noon-1pm CET // ATELIER 
"Les compétences clés du 21ème siècle pour accélérer son évolution professionnelle et personnelle" 
Avec Laurent Zermati (H.00), Coach certifié et ancien Directeur de la gestion des cadres dirigeants et des talents du Groupe La Poste et Frédéric Theismann Co-dirigeant au sein de SA Group Consulting et Co-fondateur de COHERENCE 

Dans un monde en transformation, où le temps s’accélère, découvrez et commencez à développer durant cet atelier interactif les 4 compétences clés pour embrasser le futur avec Enthousiasme et Sérénité.

Nous aborderons notamment les buts que chacun peut se fixer dans la vie, ainsi que les notions d’apprentissage, de connaissance de soi et d’humilité.

With Valérie Valentin (H.90)Executive coach & consultant at Xpand

Resilience is the competence to deal with challenges, changes and setbacks we all face in a constructive and meaningful way. Developing your own resilience factors takes time and training, but is definitely worth the effort. An interactive workshop to identify all key resilience factors as a well as the resources needed to develop a culture of resilience at home and positively impact burn out rates at work.

12.30pm-2.15pm CET // SPEED COACHING* 
Book your 30 minutes individual coaching with one of our certified Coach.

 *Only for HEC Alumni and within the limit of available slots


6pm-7pm CET // CONFERENCE 
"Purposeful Leadership : regards croisés"
Avec Hubert de Boisredon (H.86), PDG d'Armor et Rodolphe Durand, Professeur à HEC Paris, titulaire de la chaire "Joly Family Chair in Purposeful Leadership", fondateur et directeur académique de l'Institut Society and Organizations

7pm-8pm CET // TALK DE CLÔTURE  
"Apprenance et confiance dans la vie"
Avec Alain Gauthier (H.61), Directeur Executif, Core Leadership Development à Portland, Oregon

Book your 30 minutes individual coaching with one of our certified Coach.

 *Only for HEC Alumni and within available slots


On the occasion of the Festival, HEC Life Project is once again partnering with ChooseMyCompany to take the pulse of your expectations, feelings and perceptions regarding changes in the workplace, by offering you a barometer of the professional ambitions and aspirations of HEC Alumni

This survey is independent and anonymous and will only take you 5 minutes.

Thank you for your participation. 




IFAI (Institut Français d'Appreciative Inquiry)





Contact : 

Mathilde Courtois-Bastie 

*Videos / photos / recordings may be made during the Festival *.

By registering to the Life Project Festival, the participant consents to the taking of photos/videos by HEC Alumni, which may use them, in whole or in part, free of charge, without any time limit and for the whole world in its communication documents (leaflets, invitations, etc.), its publications and website

If you do not wish to appear on the images (photos, videos), please contact the organising team.

Carreers - HEC Life Project
Released on: United Kingdom - UK, Generation Start, Generation BOOST, Generation Change
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