BONN: HEC Alumni casual BBQ @ Arnaud's

5 attendees and 1 interested
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Dear all,

last year I spontaneously invited HEC Alumni based in Bonn to my place for an informal BBQ.
It was a great evening and I am very much looking forward to the 2024 edition:

HEC Alumni casual BBQ & Wine at Arnaud's

So, you are welcome to register and come over.
My house in downtown Bonn ("Musiker Viertel") is very easy to reach by public transportation as well as by car.

I will communicate the address to the registered few days before the gathering. So be sure your E-Mail address is up to date on this site.

I plan to BBQ meat but also vegetables so veggies are welcome too. :-)

Looking forward to a great evening with you,

Arnaud BECUWE (M96)
Président HEC Alumni Germany

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