Winter Afterwork - HEC Generation Boost (20-45 ans/y.o.)

45 attendees and 9 interested
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Winter Afterwork
HEC Alumni Generation Boost (20-45 ans/y.o.)

Nous sommes ravis de vous retrouver pour notre habituel afterwork parisien, toujours dans un esprit d'échange et de partage !
We are thrilled to meet you all at our Parisian afterwork, in a spirit of sharing and exchange!

Mardi 25 février à 19h30 | Tuesday February 25th, at 7:30pm
O'Sullivans Franklin D. Roosevelt
63 avenue Franklin D. Roosevelt, 75008 Paris

Inscription obligatoire
Planches et premier verre inclus
Registration required / food and first cocktail included

Released on: HEC Grande Ecole 2025, MBA HEC 2025

O'Sullivans Franklin D. Roosevelt

63, Avenue Franklin Delano Roosevelt 75008 PARIS

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