
Universal email

The universal email is a forwarding alias and is not intended to be used as an email inbox

Each HEC graduate has lifelong access to an HEC forwarding address, making it easy to contact and be contacted by all HEC people. This passport is an efficient relationship-building tool and a powerful symbol of belonging to one community.

Please note: the universal email is a forwarding alias and is not intended to be used as an email inbox.

The principle

These email addresses are built on a single model:

In fact, it’s a redirect address. Emails sent to the universal HEC email address are instantaneously redirected to the personal or professional email address the alumnus/alumna enters on his/her personal data sheet.

In order to remain reachable and to guarantee the deliverability of emails, it is important to :

  • Activate your account on;
  • Fill in your personal or professional e-mail address to which you would like to receive communications;
  • Only use this address to contact a fellow alumni whose personal or professional details you do not know;
  • Do not use this email address as an ID on sites such as Impôts.gouv or travel booking websites;
  • Do not copy yourself on emails.

Rules of use

This unique system is internal to the HEC community. It is based on trust among alumni. We recommend that you use it properly.

All alumni must accept their individual responsibility and avoid excessive or collective solicitations and refrain from sending any advertisements. HEC Alumni shall not be held liable for any of its members’ individual actions.

We recommend that you regularly check the information provided in your personal data sheet. Updates can be made through the alumni's profile or by email at

Writing rules

  • The address is in lowercase letters only
  • Accents are eliminated: for example, the universal email address for Eléonore Dupuis is
  • Apostrophes and spaces will be replaced by dashes: for example, the universal email address for Marie-Pierre L'Anselt de Bignon is
  • Dashes are retained: for example, the universal email address for Jean-Jacques Dupont is