Share and Grow Coffee Chat with Enée Bussac (H.06) - Bitcoin and the Blockchain: what's in it for you and our economy?

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Dear HEC Alumni, 

Since the lockdown continues in the United Kingdom, HEC in the UK has decided to carry on with a series of informal coffee chats for the HEC community. 

The principle is very simple: join the zoom, hear advice from expert alumni, exchange ideas, chat and share your experience!

It is our ‘Sharing & Growing Coffee Chat Series’. 

For our next session we are delighted to listen to Enée Bussac (H.06) and author of "Bitcoin, Ether & co.: guide pratique pour comprendre, anticiper et investir" (Dunod, also available in German at ESV), who will give you essential facts on digital currencies and ledgers, and depict the disrupting potential of these new tools on our economy. Enée will also answer all the questions you’ve always wanted to ask about Bitcoin and cryptocurrency and never dared asking.

Bitcoin and the Blockchain: what's in it for you and our economy? 
With Enée Bussac (H.06) 
Friday 30th April 2021 
8.30am London / 9.30am Paris 


Whereas Bitcoin and most cryptocurrencies have reached all time highs in the last months, Central Banks have never emitted that much money. The blockchain has made digital assets possible by solving the double spending issue; Bitcoin and now NFT are the first notorious embodiment of the upcoming token economy.

  • The bitcoin: Why is it worth more than €50,000? Could it replace the USD as world currency?
  • Digital currencies: What makes them different from currencies we know and use today? What kinds of digital currencies exist and could appear in the near future?
  • CBDC: Are all official currencies bound to become digital?  what would it bring to our economies?

    The 40-minute presentation will be followed by 20 minutes of Q&A.


Please contact HEC UK Alumni Relations Manager for feedback or help to register to events.

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